We still have way too much candy around here.

We had such a great Halloween! Our friends the Dempseys came over for what we decided will be our new annual tradition. Everyone arrived around 5 and we had homemade pizzas {with Pioneer Woman’s yummy homemade dough!} and salad= super easy!

After dinner we headed out trick-or-treating. This was our first year to venture out in our new neighborhood, and we were excited to find that the street behind us was perfect! Chloe and Carter were so cute stopping at each house. Carter would go up to the door and say “Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet”! It was awesome. His mom had no idea he knew that saying, which made it even more hilarious. The babies {and I am totally still calling my baby a baby, even though he is almost 18 months} stayed in the wagon and enjoyed the perfect weather!

It was definitely a success because we had tons of fun and still have loads of candy!

Can’t wait to do it again next year, Dempseys!


  1. Angie

    Oh we always have SO much candy! It’s like it never goes away!! Love the pics:)

  2. Pingback: 2011: A year in review. « Crazy Blessed

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