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Queso Cups

I forgot to take a before picture, but I made these little appetizers to take to a Halloween party last weekend and they were a hit! I couldn’t find a recipe exactly like what I was thinking, so I just made this one up. I thought I better blog about them before I forgot what I did! They were super …

24 Day Challenge

May was a busy month! We had Jack’s party & birthday and our beach trip, and lots of little things in between! I’m going to try to do some catching up along with regular posts. First topic- Our 24 day cleanse! To get ready for the beach, T and I were looking into doing the Advocare 24 day challenge. We had …

Dallas Burgers 101

You know we love cheeseburgers. Have I shown you this pic?? Yes, we look 12 years old. But the point is the T-shirts in the pic! They say I Heart Cheeseburgers! Years ago we lost a bet with our BFF’s and had to wear these shirts over our nice clothes on a double date. So, we brought the shirts along …