I haven’t bought a bauble necklace yet. Gasp! And now I’ve found this bee-U-tiful mini version??? I am swooning over here. And I don’t think I’ve spent my September fun money. Right, sweetie? {via}
It’s the little things, #9
I can’t go one more day without telling you about my current love. Today’s “little things” have saved my summer! Sad, but true, I wear these shorts almost every day! And I am loving my newest color- that mint green pictured on top! I pair them with a solid color tank {these are my current favorite}, my Valentine’s Day present, and …
Oh how I love to shop.
And guess where I get to shop for FIVE straight days with no kids??? None other than NYC! We leave in a month and I am so excited! Yes, we are planning on doing a few other things that don’t involve shopping, but man am I ready to hit 5th avenue and Soho! So, here’s a little huge list of things I’ve …
It’s the little things, #8
Make up. You know how I love it. As far as eyeshadow goes, I’ve mostly been a MAC girl- their White Frost and Satin Taupe are my go-to, always-have-with-me eyeshadows. About a year ago I also tried a few shadows from Benefit and still use them occasionally. Well, enter the Urban Decay Naked Palette. It’s changed my life! Seriously! I’d …
It’s the little things, #7.
When I was getting my hair cut a couple of years ago at the new salon I switched to when we moved to Dallas, one of the colorists came over for a consult. She said that with blue eyes like mine, I should have dark hair. {And yes, I did go dark for a while but y’all. I was just …
Meet my new friend.
Remember when I said I was contemplating buying one of these? Well, last week after my dermatologist confirmed that it might help, I decided it was worth a try. So, last Friday, I asked T to go by to Nordstrom during his lunch break to pick up the Clarisonic Mia in light pink, and he came home with the Mia …
I interrupt the regularly scheduled programming…
…of birthday week posts because this has recently entered my life and I am completely consumed. We’ve watched all of Season One {Netflix} in two days. And, Season Two is only online until March 6th, so we have to move fast! Although, it will be a year until the next season so I suppose I could spread them out. But …
It’s the little things, #6
Fact: I would rather have a bowl of cereal than ice cream. I think that makes me a cereal fanatic. When I was a kid, my mom used to wrap cereal as presents for birthday or Christmas- and it was always my favorite present!! Well hello, Love. This cereal has recently changed my life. I’m in love. If you’ve had …
Confession. I am a makeup junkie. You wouldn’t know it, because I don’t wear a ton, but I love makeup. LOVE. IT. I would buy new products daily if the budget allowed. I wish this was my vanity. Source: thepinkcherries.tumblr.com via Sherry on Pinterest No seriously. The table, the lights, and all of those products. I want! Well, …
There is just one thing I neeeeeed.
Ok, maybe not just one. Alas, here is my {Under $100} Christmas wish list. You can click on the picture to get all of the sources. 1. Capri Blue Candle, Volcano, from Anthropologie. Yes, that’s the scent you smell when you get home and unwrap your Anthropologie goods. I’ve never had one of their candles, but I’ve always wanted my …
I don’t want a lot for Christmas…
Ok so our Christmas budget doesn’t really allow for me to get even ONE of these things for Christmas, but it doesn’t hurt to dream, right? I thought I’d share my top wants {over $100} with you today… maybe your Christmas budget is bigger than mine and this will inspire your list! Here are my favorite things {right now} from …
Project Organization: New Planner & Weekly Menu
Guess what came in the mail this weekend??? YAY! That’s my Erin Condren Life Planner! I had not heard of this fabulous thing until my friend Emily commented about it on one of my Project Organization posts. I ordered it the very next day and it is finally here. I got a coupon online (already expired, but I’m sure there will be more) …
It’s the little things, #5
I was given these two cups for birthday presents this year. They have changed my drinking habits! Cup #1- Venti Starbucks Cold Cup (thanks, Krista!) I fill it up first thing in the morning and have been trying to refill it 2 more times throughout the day to increase my water intake. Just having it sitting on the counter helps me remember to …
My makeup must-haves
First, before I forget, I have some fun news! Jennifer just got featured on Apartment Therapy’s Ohdeedoh Blog! Tripp’s nursery is THE CUTEST NURSERY EVER and I am so excited that Jenn’s hard work and amazing design skills are being shown to a bajillion readers. You can see the feature on his nursery here. Now on to the important topic …
25 things I love about Dallas
We’ve lived in the Dallas area for 9 years. That’s a long time, folks. From someone who was born in West Texas, it took me a while to love this big place. But, alas, I DO. So, today I though I’d share 25 of my favorite things about Dallas. I’m sure I could think of more, but 25 sounds like a good number to start …