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The Girls’ Room

We had so much fun redecorating Chloe’s room to make it Chloe AND Lila’s room! From the time we started talking about adopting, Chloe wanted Lila and her to share a room. We had never completely finished Chloe’s room after we moved {ahem, that was 5 years ago}- we just transferred her baby room things from our old house to …

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Family Room Project!

The day we walked into our house for the first time, we fell in love! It was built in 1960 so it had a lot of character, but had been recently flipped and had a lot of fun upgrades. We knew when we bought the house one of our “someday” projects would be to put built-ins in the family room. …

Artwork Display

One thing I love about the kids going to Mother’s Day Out is the super cute artwork they bring home! But all those cute little creations combined with the things they make at church and what we do at home, our refrigerator is COVERED in artwork. And, because there is so much, even the heavy magnets can’t hold everything. This …

Pumpkin Mantel.

I loved decorating our mantel for fall this year. The photo of the one I pinned for inspiration had lots of different pumpkins on it, so off to Central Market we went! The kids had a great time picking out all different kinds, and even I was surprised at all of the crazy ones they had! I loved some of the …

Chloe’s PINK room!

I’m linking up with Kelly’s Korner today to show y’all my kids rooms. I was going to do both, but Jack’s room was just too messy yesterday to take pictures, so maybe I’ll do it over the weekend in another post. I’m not promising anything, though! So, here’s Chloe’s ALL-GIRL room! We used the same colors and curtains from her …

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Master Bedroom Reveal!

Here it is, y’all! It’s taken us over a year, but we can officially say it’s “done”. I’m still looking for a bench to go at the foot of the bed, but that’s it! So, without further ado, here is our master bedroom. Before: After!   Before: After! Before: After! What do you think? We are pretty happy with the …

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Armoire Reveal!

If you don’t remember, I bought an armoire back in November. My best friend Jennifer, who has some major decorating skillz,  spotted this beauty at a local resale shop and texted me right away. We knew it was perfect for a large nook in our Master Bathroom. It was $250, so with not a lot of persuading, Trey agreed that it …

Christmas Tour of Homes

I have loved seeing all of the blog posts of Christmas decorations! It is fun to see everyone’s different ideas and traditions. This is our second Christmas in our new house, and I think this year everything found its spot. I’m sure I’ll change it up again next year, though! 1. Our Mantel. We bought our stocking holders and stockings …

Look what’s in my garage!

Jenn texted me last week with a picture of this armoire she found at a consignment store by our house. It was the PERFECT piece of furniture for a huge nook we have in our Master Bathroom and for $250, we couldn’t pass it up! Now it’s just a matter of sanding, painting, and finding cute stuff to go in it! …

All things fall.

Oh, I love fall. I think I’ve mentioned that already. Yesterday I opened the windows and made pumpkin bread using this {super easy!} recipe. Oh, it is gooooood. {Just to let you know, if you use Erika’s recipe, she says a little over 30 min. I put mine in a glass bread pan and it took almost an hour for a …

My new kitchen chalkboard.

I found this chalkboard on clearance for $1.97 at Joann’s the other day, and I knew I had the perfect place to hang it. I thought about framing it, but because of its size and where I wanted it to go, I knew I didn’t have a lot of room. So, with a drill and some ribbon I went to …

A little project: DIY silhouettes

I realize that yesterday’s post should have been titled “Places to Eat in Dallas with a Few Places to Shop Thrown In For Good Measure”. But what is there to do but eat and shop, my friend? Those are the two things I love the most! Today’s post is about a little project I stumbled upon while in the land …

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Pantry Re-Do!

My friend Meg over at I like it, I love it, posted her pantry re-do a few weeks ago. It so inspired me to get my mess of a pantry in order! I pretty much copied her idea and ran with it.  I did everything in less than 24 hours, including buying the baskets and making the chalkboard labels. This goes to show …

And the winner is…

 Holly  January 4, 2011 11:36 am Congrats, Holly! I used and comment number 2 was chosen. YAY for you, Holly, and I will send your Pottery Barn gift card via e-mail today. Thanks to everyone for the great ideas! You girls are so creative. If you missed out this time, I will definitely be doing this again when we move …

I need your help and first giveaway!!

So, our bedroom is my favorite room and yet needs a lot of work.  Our budget just hasn’t allowed us to be able to buy drapes, etc, for any room of the house, but this month I am going to start my first decorating project- the master bedroom! I will have to go in phases so it might not be done for a while, but …