Baby Boy Update

Hi all! It’s way past time for an update on baby boy!

First of all, we have a name. Kai! We are all still calling him Zi Jin (his Chinese name, pronounced Zoo-Jenn, but we are slowly transitioning to Kai. Trey came up with naming him Kai and it seems to have stuck. Kai means “victory” in Chinese, so that seems so fitting. God is going to do a major victory in all of our lives because of this cutie.

And speaking of cute— we got updated pictures and videos on Monday. I. Die. He has changed so much from his pictures in April. They have shaved his head, and he has gained another 5 pounds! He only weighs 3 pounds less than Lila does right now. He is a big boy! We found out he has been moved from the only “home” he’s ever known into a foster family setting. He arrived there in June, and the update says he is doing great. He is healthy, active, and naughty! Yes, they used the word “naughty” three times in a half-page update. Oh. BOY. I hope he is naughty and has an opinion and throws a fit like a 1 year old should! :) It makes me sad that he isn’t with the same nannies that he lived with since he was just a few weeks old, but I have heard great things about the foster care setting in China. Hopefully it will make his attachment to us easier because he will have already attached to a “mom” and “dad”. But, I have also heard this can make the grieving process when we get him a lot harder because he will be very attached to his foster parents. I just tear up thinking about it. I keep praying that they are good people and loving him well until we get there.

When are we going???!!! Great question! Right now, guess where our paperwork is… and by paperwork I mean every ORIGINAL document that we need for the adoption. Um, Houston.

Yep. All of our paperwork has to get authenticated by the Chinese Government, and the closest Chinese Consulate is in Houston. I mailed our paperwork there last week, and thank the Lord it is safe and sound for now at a courier’s home in Richmond. We are praying that it stays safe, and that the Houston Chinese Consulate will be able to open again soon so that our documents can get authenticated quickly.

We are also waiting for one more document, our US approval, that should be here any day now. Once we get that piece of paper and then send it to Houston as well, then we can send ALL of our paperwork to China. Right now we are still hoping to travel in January, but every week that we don’t get our paperwork to China it will delay our travel by a week. If we don’t travel by the end of January, we won’t be able to go until March because of Chinese New Year and Trey’s work schedule. But, we know God has it all in His hands, so we’re trying to just pray and trust!

We appreciate your prayers for Kai- for his safety, health, foster family, and also for our paperwork to get to China soon!


  1. Karen Trammell

    Sooo happy for y’all! Praying that Kai is well taken care of until he is able to join your amazing family! Hope Houston conditions improve soon so all paperwork can be completed. God Bless.

  2. Jennifer

    I love his name! We had a little boy named Kai on Easton’s baseball team this year. He was the silliest boy and always had a huge smile on his face. We loved him!

  3. Merima

    Hi and congrats. I enjoy reading your blog and looking at the timeline. We will be family of four once we have a match as well! We are currently LID. Can you share which agency you ended up with in the end? You can pm me for privacy reasons if you wish. Thank you.

    1. Author

      Hi!! That is so exciting!! We are with CCAI. I bet your paperwork will go so quickly when you get matched. We were LID first with Lila too, so it is very different doing it the opposite way this time! Please keep me posted on your adoption and thanks for following along!

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