We had a great last day hanging around the apartment in GZ. We were all sad to leave!! It has truly been our home away from home and we will miss this place- even the 70s decor grew on us! :)
We loved our guide, Kelly, in Guangzhou! She truly made our stay so easy and fun. I can’t imagine doing all of this without her! The in-country paperwork, appointments, and sight seeing were all made perfect because of Kelly! The kids loved her so much too. I am so thankful for both of the sweet guides we had in GZ and Beijing!! They truly both have a heart for adoptive families!
After saying goodbye to Kelly and to Guangzhou, we were on our way to Hong Kong! We took a van versus the train for this stretch. It made it so easy! The van picked us up at our GZ hotel and dropped us at our hotel in Hong Kong! Lila did great on the van ride. But, she is a wiggle worm so I’m not sure how the flights to Tokyo and then to Dallas are going to go! But my attitude has been that it is what it is and we have to get home some way! And we can do anything for 16 hours, right?!!
Thank you for praying for safe travels! We are excited for one more day in Hong Kong tomorrow but can’t wait to be home on Sunday!!!
I’ve loved following your journey. Congrats! Thinking of you as you return home.
Katie!! I have missed you!!! Thanks for following along! I hope all is well with you and yours. I would love to know what you are up to these days- are you still an assistant principal?