Master Bedroom Reveal!

Here it is, y’all! It’s taken us over a year, but we can officially say it’s “done”. I’m still looking for a bench to go at the foot of the bed, but that’s it! So, without further ado, here is our master bedroom.









What do you think? We are pretty happy with the outcome! It is a nice “retreat” for us after a long day with the kids and work! Here are a few more pics:


  • Furniture, Bedding, Sconces, Rug, and some decor- Pottery Barn
  • Paint Color- Benjamin Moore Wedgewood Gray
  • Sign above bed- made using this tutorial I found on Pinterest
  • Curtains- IKEA, Curtain Rod- Lowe’s
  • Lamp- Home Goods

Linked up with Kelly’s Corner for her Master/Guest Room Home Tour!


  1. Jessica

    Looks awesome!! Love that paint color! Oh, we got our little “foot of the bed” bench at Macy’s a couple years ago super on sale. Worth browsing there if you haven’t already. :)

  2. Jamie

    Looks so awesome, Sherry! My fave is the Pinterest project. I’ve seen it before and now I think I want to try it. Everything looks great!

    1. Sherry

      Aw thank you Melissa! We do love the hardwoods, but man they are hard to keep clean!!

  3. Cory

    The before was pretty, but the after is awesome! The rug, window treatments, sign, and lighting just pull it all together.

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