Christmas Tour of Homes

I have loved seeing all of the blog posts of Christmas decorations! It is fun to see everyone’s different ideas and traditions. This is our second Christmas in our new house, and I think this year everything found its spot. I’m sure I’ll change it up again next year, though!

1. Our Mantel. We bought our stocking holders and stockings from Pottery Barn when we first got married. We bought Chloe’s the year she was born from there too, but by the time Jack came along, they were not carrying that one anymore. So, thankfully last year I found it on eBay for only a small fortune! We can’t have more kids or they won’t have a matching stocking for sure!

2. Our Nativity. You can’t really see because the picture is so small but the ornament says “a King is born” and the star ornament stand is from Canton.

3. The dining room table. I love that ceramic Santa on the left- it is Trey’s from when he was younger. We had one just like it at my parent’s house too!

4. My favorite plate from Canton. It sits on the piano with pictures of the kids over the years at Christmastime.

5. The Wimpy Tree {see previous posts!}

6. Christmas card holder and calendar. This wall stays blank until Christmas. I got the card holder from Pier One a few years ago. Although I love the way it looks, the cards constantly fall off. I’m thinking of doing something different next year! The advent calendar is a new addition from Canton. I love it! I’m thinking after Christmas, I must find something to hang there or it will look so empty.

7. Our A Meaningful Christmas ornaments are hanging on top of our china cabinet. I was invited by a friend to participate in this fun advent calendar idea and I am SO glad I did. Chloe has loved it and I know it will mean even more to both of the kids as they get older!

8. This gingerbread house cookie jar is from Trey’s grandmother and it is one of my favorite Christmas decorations. It is beautiful and sentimental, too! I always keep it full with a Christmas treat to snack on!

9. Another view of the mantel. I added the lighted garland and red feathers last year! I really want something to hang above the mantle but not sure what that should be!

And there you have it– our Christmas Home Tour of 2011. I can’t believe we only have 8 days until the big day!

Linking up with Kelly and The Nester!


  1. Christy Wallace

    Love all of your decor!! That advent calendar is so neat and what a great idea! I am hoping that Pottery Barn doesn’t discontinue our stockings before we have more children. I should probably just stock up on the ones I want before they go away:) Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Author

      Thank you! Yes, I was so stressed when I realized that I was going to have to hunt down a stocking to match Chloe’s. Yay for eBay. Merry Christmas!

    1. Author

      Thanks Em! I did try to get a good angle of the tree… and it definitely helps with all the presents under it!

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