My new kitchen chalkboard.

I found this chalkboard on clearance for $1.97 at Joann’s the other day, and I knew I had the perfect place to hang it. I thought about framing it, but because of its size and where I wanted it to go, I knew I didn’t have a lot of room. So, with a drill and some ribbon I went to town.  

It’s in a great spot- in the kitchen hanging on the side of our double oven. It is big and we walk by it at least 100 times a day. I’m thinking we’ll use it for Bible verse memory. When I am intentional about working on Bible verses with Chloe, she memorizes them so quickly. I hope seeing it multiple times a day will remind me to do it with her!


  1. Lisa Williams

    Love it! You are so crafty. I saw it hanging there when we came over and was going to comment on it but somebody was talking and I did not want to interrupt.

  2. becca spence

    Did you use one of those chalk markers? The chalk looks really bold and bright.

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