So, our bedroom is my favorite room and yet needs a lot of work. Our budget just hasn’t allowed us to be able to buy drapes, etc, for any room of the house, but this month I am going to start my first decorating project- the master bedroom! I will have to go in phases so it might not be done for a while, but I can’t wait to get started.
Here’s where you come in. I need some ideas! Let me give you a rundown of this room. It’s a square and has three huge windows on the back wall with a view of the backyard. The floor is dark hardwood and Benjamin Moore’s Wedgewood Gray is on the walls. We have had our Sumatra bedroom furniture forever and will keep it, and we just bought new white, fluffy bedding. We both really like the hotel look, so that’s what I’m going for.
There are a few things that I don’t like about this room. First of all, the SCONCES. They came with the house and I can’t say ugly fast enough. They are going to go pretty quickly, but I need some help finding something {relatively inexpensive} to take their place. I also hate the fan, but that may stay for a while because I’d rather spend money on other stuff.
I really want to find something special to go above our bed. I don’t want to do photographs of us because we have them around the rest of the room and house. Do y’all have other ideas for this space?
Then there’s the windows- they are screaming “Cover me, please!”. I’m just not sure what to do. I want to make them myself to save money but need to know what style, color, etc.
So, I need help with mainly three things- the sconces, what to put above the bed, and window treatments. If I do these three things, I think our bedroom will be totally transformed!
Submit your ideas in a comment (family and friends are welcome, even if I talk to you on a daily basis!) and include links if you have pictures/ideas from a website. I will randomly draw a winner from all submitted ideas at the end of the month! What’s up for grabs? A $25 gift card to Pottery Barn. I love, love, love that store and know most of you do, too!
I’ll (of course) share “after” pictures once the room is completed! I’m excited to hear your fun ideas. Here’s to decorating!
For above the bed you could do some ironwork stuff. Do a
larger one in the middle and then 2 smaller ones on the sides to
replace the sconces. I am imagining something like this for the
middle one:
Or you could do a vintage clock. Or you could hang up a big frame
with the glass taken out and then hang old plates or something else
in the openning (where the glass would be). Hope that helps spark
some ideas!
And I forgot about this website yesterday, but here is one
where she shows you how to do curtains without sewing and for
Fun! Can’t wait until we have extra $$ so I can redo our
bedroom. I can’t find anything that I love for over the bed, but I
do love these curtains. You definitely need some color in there.
You could hang one long curtain rod across the 3 windows and do 3
of these panels covering each, and each tied in the middle.
Sherry, you could get a large canvas and have the kids
finger paint with soft blues and whites and khaki~ just an idea:) I
love the wall color and your bedding!
I stink in decorating, you know this. BUT, if you want to
make a simple beautiful window treatment I think you should just
make 4 simple panels out of beautiful shimmery fabric…and you
should hang the curtain rod up high and make the panels a little
too long so they bunch up on the floor (dramatic effect). BTW, did
you know I sewed my own panels? wh-wh-what?? Yes, it is true. I am
thinking a wedding-gown type fabric for your windows….shimmery
satiny. Does this qualify me for the giveaway? If so, I shall quote
the ever wise Ignacio: “I want to weeeeeeen!!!!!!”
I am definitely not a decorating expert, but here’s my two
cents. On the sconces, there are many good options out there. From
time to time, I look in the home section at Kohl’s. They have
excellent deals, and if you hit it on the right day, you can find
some nice-looking items at very affordable prices. I’d also look at
Home Goods. They, too, are hit or miss, but well-priced. Behind
your bed, why not go with a vinyl decal monogram of some sort? They
are super affordable and easy to change out if you get tired of
them (and since they are affordable, you don’t feel so bad when you
do get sick of them). There are lots on — a simple one:
OR something slightly different:
Good luck. Can’t wait to see the after pics!!
Have you seen this for above your bed?
I will be excited to see what you do with your bedroom!
You said you don’t want to use photographs of you above the
bed but how about photographs of scenery of the places you have
been. You have expressed your love for travel and places like
Hawaii in your blog so you could do sunsets, sunrises, scenery
pictures from places you have been in a collage above your bed. I
have photographs of family all over my house but when I redo my
master bedroom that is what I hope to do.
I love your room already .. now lets make it what you want
it! Here are some ideas: Not sure if you can buy a third pillow of
the large off white pillows, but if you can I would and stack them
three-wide across the back of your bed. Then I would take 2 of
these pillows and place them infront of your white pillow cases
Then I would have the small white pillow mongrammed in a light blue
and if you are not a monogramm kind of girl then I could see this
pillow working at the front of the bed:
I would add this throw at the end of the bed in light blue or
* I know it seems like a lot of pillows, but that is how a hotel
gets that look is all those pillows * For over the bed I would hang
chucky mirror like this one – For the
scones I would replace them with three frames with mats (that stack
vertical with the right space in between)on each side. In those
frames I would have a sketch of your childhoom homes, your house
you just moved from, a sketch of your wedding dress,black and white
photos of your favorite vacation spot, etc. Simple things that make
a big impact. For the windows I would either use white or off-white
long drapes (at least 4 panels) – like the peyton linen cotton ones
from PB. Most of these items I really do think you could find at
your local Homegoods or TJ Maxx. Hope that helps!
Okay…I know I am belated, but you know I had to weigh in!
I like the mirror idea, but there is too much wall for only one. I
think an eclectic mix of round ones would look good. White, silver,
and gold. Some shabby, some contemporary. It would blend the styles
in your house well. White silk drapes for sure. Light blue and gold
rug eventually… No gift card needed, but I want to go shopping
with you!
I actually love the simplicity of the room. I think if you got dark brown drapery and then added a couple cute throw pillows to the bed…I’m thinking a green….would be cute to add some color! I also am in love with your hardwood floors, they are a beautiful color! For behind the bed, an affordable option is to get some canvas and staple fabric to it. This would also add some color! This is what I did in place of a headboard and it looks great. Good luck!!! You have some great bones there, that is for sure!
Are you going to post some after pictures?
It’s not quite finished! We are getting the rug and changing the sconces soon. Then I’ll be ready to share :)
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