First Post by Trey

Alright so my first post is as follows and it is in the form of the Four things about me that Sherry just completed: A.) Four jobs I have had in my life: 1. McDonalds as a Chef 2. Brookshires as a Sacker 3. Sold Fireworks at a Firework stand 4. Intramural Official at TAMU B.) Four movies I would …

Four Things

>From the Cowtown Times…I have been tagged. Now, if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged as well! Four Things You May or May Not Know About Me A.) Four jobs I have had in my life: 1. Hostess @ Red Lobster 2. Pharmacy Technician 3. Snack Shack (in MSC Bookstore) Cashier @ A&M 4. Victoria’s Secret B.) Four movies …

Things That Make Me Happy…

>I have been saying “That makes me happy” a lot lately, so I thought I’d share the things that really make me smile. Starbucks makes me happy.Actually, any good cup of coffee makes me happy.Naps make me happy.Mornings make me happy.Canton makes me happy.Being in love with Trey makes me happy.God’s grace makes me happy.My family makes me happy.Vegas makes …