Happy 9th Birthday, Chloe!

Sweet Chloe- you are halfway. Can’t believe that in only 9 more years, you will most likely be done with your time at home with us! When you were little, countless older women would stop me and tell me to enjoy every minute, that it goes too fast. But I already knew it because with each passing year, I’ve wanted to hold on to you a little tighter, a little longer. Many also said, “the days are long but the years are short” and boy were they right. I can’t believe I’ve had 3,289 days with you. Days filled with so many wonderful memories. It seems like there is no way we’ve had that many days together. So, I’ll just share about one of my favorite days with you of those 3,289.

Yesterday. Yesterday was your 9th birthday. We got up and had our tradition of donuts and presents. You wouldn’t have it any other way, even though I wanted to do donuts for your slumber party the day before. You enjoyed opening your presents from all of us- and Jack was so excited to compete your latest Lego set for you! As we finished with presents and you started eating, you looked outside and noticed a new bike!! Your face was priceless. Then I told you the story about how that bike was priced $179.99 but it was on clearance at Target for $53!!! {We called it a Christmas Miracle!}

Then, instead of choosing to go to school to see all your friends, you wanted to play hooky and hang with me. I’ll never say no to that, and I’m not sure I have many more birthdays of you wanting me instead of your friends. We took Lila to school and headed to our favorite store where you got to spend a gift card! You bought cute bracelets at the Dollar Spot, a new Ken Barbie (we need some more dads to play with, don’t we?!), and some more Shopkins. You looked at the clothes, constantly adding up what you had in the cart so that you spent exactly what your gift card had on it. I had so much fun walking around with you- you are just a joy to be around all of the time!

After Target we headed home, and you unwrapped your surprise Shopkins- and got a Birthday Gift and a shoe named CHLOE. We both couldn’t believe it, but then again we could. We call those little things “God Stops” (thank you Beth Moore Bible Study), and it was so fun to give glory to God for something as little as that, but that was so special to Chloe.

We came home and you got started on a new Lego set, then we got Lila off the bus and headed to have Chinese food for lunch. You LOVE noodles almost as much as your little sister. Our next stop was Society Bakery, where we’ve been going for the last NINE years on your birthday! We picked up the most fabulous, sprinkle-covered cake (your idea, of course!), and then played around on their cute patio doing your new favorite thing- Musical.ly.

We got home, Jack came home from school, and then our sweet friends the MacKay’s stopped by! We played a new game with them and it was so fun for you to see your very first friend on your birthday.

Chuy’s was next, of course, and Cookie and Dandy were there waiting for us! You enjoyed your queso and fajitas, and then insisted that we bring the cake to Chuy’s. Oh, girl, this part of your ninth birthday we will NEVER forget. We lit the candles and started singing, and then one of your cute tissue paper flowers CAUGHT ON FIRE. Cue the overreaction of me to try and blow it out, which caused half of your candles to go out during the middle of your birthday song. Alas, we keep singing, and I didn’t blow out the fire ball situation. So, your dad grabs the flower on fire, and blows it EXTRA HARD, causing all the other candles on your cake to blow out!!!! Then you look over at him with the saddest face and say “DAD! You blew out all my candles!!” We have not stopped smiling for the last 12 hours. Best story ever, and just so thankful we didn’t burn down our favorite restaurant. Of course, we lit the candles and sang again, making sure the remaining tissue flowers were far from the candles, so that you could have your birthday wish!


What a great day with my sweet girl. But then again, every day with you is a gift from the Lord. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 You are such a special girl. And it’s not just your dad and me that say that. Your teachers at school, your friends’ parents, your church leaders, your babysitters, your grandparents and so many more— they see what we see. You are full of compassion and kindness, always wanting to make everyone feel better. You are silly and fun- watching you with your friends at your slumber party was so great because we get to see that silly, fun side come out even more. You love ice cream, cute clothes, books, and music. You love your brother and you two are best friends. You are a little momma to Lila, and help us so much with her. You want to grow up and be a teacher, and adopt lots of kids (your words!) because that is your heart- helping others. At Target, I introduced you to a magic 8 ball, and the FIRST thing you ask it is if we are adopting a little brother from China. On YOUR birthday, that is what you are thinking of, because that is just you. You love God, and we talk about Him all of the time. You are committed to living your life with the Bible as your guide, and we have seen it play out so many times in your life already.

Chloe- I could go on and on and on. God knew what He was doing when He had your dad and I wait for YOU. We can’t imagine life without our ChloBo, and I promise to enjoy the next 3,289 days with you, slowing down and trying to remember the little things.

Because before we know it, those days will be gone too.


I love you most—


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