Roasted Veggies

The first seven years of our marriage, vegetables rarely made it to our dinner table. Gasp! Ok. There was the occasional baked potato or bowl of creamed corn. If I was feeling guilty about our lack of greens, I might open a can of green beans for the hubs. {I still hate ’em. Green beans. Yuck.}

But seriously, neither of us came into our marriage a fan of vegetables, so we just skipped them many, many meals. And this wasn’t for lack of our parents trying. We were both just picky.

Enter Chloe. We knew things had to change because we wanted our kids to eat their veggies! So, a couple of years ago I started finding new {to us} ways to make vegetables that we would not only tolerate, but grow to love. Does Chloe love these vegetables like we do?? Um, no. The only vegetable she will put in her mouth is an avocado. Which is a fruit, I know. But I’m letting it count because it’s green and healthy. Maybe someday she’ll grow to love asparagus and broccoli like we do. Until then, I’m just glad we have found some great ways to include them in our meals.

Here are our top roasted veggie recipes. They are all SUPER easy but so great!

Crunchy Roasted Asparagus

  • 2 bundles of asparagus
  • 2 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 425. Break off and discard bottoms of asparagus. Put on baking stone or cookie sheet and drizzle with olive oil, and season with plenty of salt and pepper. Arrange asparagus in a circle where the tops point in {this provides for even baking} and roast in oven for 20-25 minutes, or until browned and somewhat crispy.

I do yellow squash the exact same way as above. I cut round slices and add a little McCormick’s Montreal Steak Seasoning along with the salt and pepper. Everything else is the same. You will love both the asparagus and squash this way!!

Roasted Corn- This is my go-to corn recipe. We eat it on tacos, nachos, rice bowls, salads, and as a side to any Mexican dish. It is also great tossed in some fresh guacamole! And, it can’t get any easier than this… just two ingredients! Can I even call it a recipe? Well, I am! Here’s what I do:

  • 1-2 cans whole kernel corn, drained
  • 1 TBSP McCormick Montreal Steak Seasoning

Preheat oven to 425. Pour corn onto baking stone or large cookie sheet lined with foil and sprayed with Pam. Sprinkle seasoning over corn. Roast in oven for 20 minutes or until browned. Roasting it makes it sweet and crunchy…we love it!

Below is another one of our favorites- Roasted Rosemary Potatoes. This recipe came from the Betty Crocker Bride & Groom cookbook we got for a wedding gift. That cookbook is one of the best I own, and now I love giving it as a wedding gift!

Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 2.28.48 PM

And, last but not least, The Best Broccoli of Your Life. I posted about this a while back. If you haven’t tried it, you need to! It will change the way you think of broccoli, I promise!

What is your go-to vegetable recipe? I want to add to our list!


  1. Mary Lawrence

    Have the corn in the oven and can’t wait for the timer to go off! It smells wonderfu! Why have I never used Montreal Steak Seasoning before? I can tell it will be a staple from now on. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Author

      Oh yay!!! I’m so glad you tried it. The inspiration came from the grilled corn at Chiloso. Yum! I hope you liked it! My sister is the one that got me hooked on the Montreal seasoning. Now I use it on everything!!

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